Neo N3 Migration Guide | NeoLine Chrome Extension
Open Google Chrome. Search for NeoLine in Chrome Web Store or go to NeoLine Official Website to get the NeoLine Chrome Extension, and add it to Chrome.
If this is your first time using NeoLine plugin wallet, be sure to back up your private key as soon as you install it.
If you already have NeoLine plugin wallet, please update it to the latest version.
Before migrating, please create a new Neo N3 wallet on the latest version of the plugin wallet. The guide is as follow:
Open Migration To N3 and click Connect NeoLine or CONNECT WALLET.
Note: Before the migration, please be sure that your NeoLine wallet is on Neo Legacy (N2). If you are on Neo N3, please click on the avatar and switch to Neo Legacy. Be aware the switch is not successful until ✔ appears in front of the wallet picture.
After successfully connect the wallet, the page is as follow:
Select the asset and amount you intend to migrate at Assets and Amount.
Click Select an N3 address. Then click on the target address you want to migrate to until ✔ appears in front of it as following:
Check the asset and the amount to be migrated, and the target N3 address. Click Next after confirmation.
Note: 1 GAS is required as migration fee when you migrate less than 10 NEO or less than 20 GAS.
If any information needs to be modified, click Back.
Click Yes on the pop-up NeoLine page and wait for the migration to be completed.
Please make sure there are certain amount of GAS in your wallet in the process of asset migration.
Before migrating, always make sure your wallet is up to date, that the N3 wallet was recreated on the latest version, and that the private key has been securely backed up.
Click View Details to check the migration progress.
After the migration completed, click Confirm. Then you can go to the NeoLine plugin wallet, switch to Neo N3 and check the migrated assets.
Or you can also go to the blockchain explorer NeoTube for checking.
NeoTube Website:
Migrating assets will take 3 days to complete, please be patient!
If the NEO migration amount meets the Token Migration Incentive Program, the status of rewards will turn to Done while sending. You can check the detailed transaction information by clicking the Done button.
If you are migrating GAS and you are prompted that your balance is insufficient, or the migration is unsuccessful, please go to to merge UTXO first.