Return balance of a specific asset for the given account.
If the asset is omited from a request to MainNet, all asset and token balances will be returned.
Input Arguments
A list of Balance Request Objects, specifying which addresses, and which assets to query
network?: string
Network to submit this request to. If omitted, will default to network the wallet is currently set to.
address: string
Address to check balance(s)
assets?: string | string[]
Asset ID or script hash to check balance
fetchUTXO?: boolean
Fetches to UTXO data for NEO and/or GAS if attribute is 'true'
Success Response
This key is the actual address of the query eg. "AWSEU4BXpjGVdw9ajnFBXh8Rg8cgw9f3Zo"
assetID: string
ID of the given asset
symbol: string
Symbol of the given asset
amount: string
Double Value of the balance represented as a String
If fetch utxo's was turned on then the utxo array will be returned for the native assets NEO and GAS
asset: string
Script hash of the native asset
createdAtBlock: int
Block number where this utxo was created
index: int
Output index of the UTXO relative to the txid in which it was created
txid: string
The transaction id of this UTXO
value: string
The double value of this UTXO represented as a String