Execute a contract invocation in read-only mode.
Input Arguments
scriptHash: string
Script hash of the smart contract to invoke a read on
operation: string
Operation on the smart contract to call
Any input arguments for the operation
network?: string
Network to submit this request to. If omitted, will default to network the wallet is currently set to.
Success Response
The wallet will return the direct response from the RPC node.
script: string
The script which was run
state: string
Status of the executeion
gas_consumed: string
Estimated amount of GAS to be used to execute the invocation. (Up to 10 free per transaction)
An array of response arguments
type: 'String' | 'Boolean' | 'Hash160' | 'Hash256' | 'Integer' | 'ByteArray' | 'Array' | 'Address'
The type of the argument with you are using
value: string
String representation of the argument which you are using
Error Response
type: string
The type of error which has occured
description: string
A description of the error which has occured
data: string
Any raw data associated with the error