Invoke allows for the generic execution of smart contracts on behalf of the user. It is reccommended to have a general understanding of the NEO blockchain, and to be able successfully use all other commands listed previously in this document before attempting a generic contract execution.
Input Arguments
scriptHash: string
Script hash of the smart contract to invoke
operation: string
Operation on the smart contract to call
Any input arguments for the operation
fee?: string
The parsed amount of network fee (in GAS) to include with transaction
extraSystemFee?: string
This fee will be added to system fee
overrideSystemFee?: string
This fee will override the system fee
broadcastOverride?: boolean
In the case that the dApp would like to be responsible for broadcasting the signed transaction rather than the wallet provider
Sender and the effective scope of signature
type: 'String' | 'Boolean' | 'Hash160' | 'Hash256' | 'Integer' | 'ByteArray' | 'Array' | 'Address'
The type of the argument with you are using
value: any
String representation of the argument which you are using
In the case where the "broadcastOverride" input argument is set to True.
signedTx: string
The serialized signed transaction. Only returned if the broadcastOverride input argument was set to True
Error Response
type: string
The type of error which has occured
description: string
A description of the error which has occured
data: string
Any raw data associated with the error