Invoke allows for the generic execution of smart contracts on behalf of the user. It is reccommended to have a general understanding of the NEO blockchain, and to be able successfully use all other commands listed previously in this document before attempting a generic contract execution.
Input Arguments
scriptHash: string
Script hash of the smart contract to invoke
operation: string
Operation on the smart contract to call
Any input arguments for the operation
fee?: string
The parsed amount of network fee (in GAS) to include with transaction
network?: string
Network to submit this request to. If omitted, will default to network the wallet is currently set to
Describes the assets to attach with the smart contract, e.g. attaching assets to mint tokens during a token sale
A hard override of all transaction utxo inputs and outputs.
IMPORTANT: If provided, fee and attachedAssets will be ignored.
triggerContractVerification?: boolean
Adds the instruction to invoke the contract verification trigger
broadcastOverride?: boolean
In the case that the dApp would like to be responsible for broadcasting the signed transaction rather than the wallet provider
Adds transaction attributes for the "Hash" usage block
type: 'String' | 'Boolean' | 'Hash160' | 'Hash256' | 'Integer' | 'ByteArray' | 'Array' | 'Address'
The type of the argument with you are using
value: any
String representation of the argument which you are using
type: 'String' | 'Boolean' | 'Hash160' | 'Hash256' | 'Integer' | 'ByteArray' | 'Array' | 'Address'
The type of the argument with you are using
value: any
String representation of the argument which you are using
txAttrUsage: 'Hash1' | 'Hash2' | 'Hash3' | 'Hash4' | 'Hash5' | 'Hash6' | 'Hash7' | 'Hash8' | 'Hash9' | 'Hash10' | 'Hash11' | 'Hash12' | 'Hash13' | 'Hash14' | 'Hash15'
Attribute usage value
NEO?: string
The amount of NEO to attach to the contract invocation
GAS?: string
The amount of GAS to attach to the contract invocation
A list of UTXO inputs to use for this transaction
A list of UTXO outputs to use for this transaction
txid: string
Transaction id to be used as input
index: number
Index of the UTXO, can be found from transaction details
asset: string
Asset of the UTXO
address: string
Address to receive the UTXO
value: string
String representation of double or integer value to be used as output
Success Response
In the case where the "broadcastOverride" input argument is not set, or set to false.
txid: string
The transaction ID of the invocation
nodeURL: string
The node which the transaction was broadcast to. Returned if transaction is broadcast by wallet provider
In the case where the "broadcastOverride" input argument is set to True.
txid: string
The transaction ID of the invocation
signedTx: string
The serialized signed transaction. Only returned if the broadcastOverride input argument was set to True
Error Response
type: string
The type of error which has occured
description: string
A description of the error which has occured
data: string
Any raw data associated with the error