Will deploy a compiled smart contract to the blockchain with the provided input parameters. The GAS cost for deploying the contract will be calculated by the provider, and displayed to the user upon tx acceptance or rejection.
Input Arguments
network?: string
Network to submit this request to. If omitted, will default to network the wallet is currently set to
name: string
The name of the contract to be deployed
version: string
The version of the contract to be deployed
author: string
The author of the contract to be deployed
email: string
The email of the contract to be deployed
description: string
The description of the contract to be deployed
needsStorage?: boolean
Whether or not the contract will use storage
dynamicInvoke?: boolean
Whether or not the contract will be performing dynamic invocations of other smart contracts
isPayable?: boolean
Whether or not the contract will be able to accept native assets
parameterList: string
The list of input argument types for the Main function on the contract.
returnType: string
The list of output returnType argument types.
code: string
The hex of the compiled smart contract avm
netowrkFee: number
The network fee to execute the transaction, in addition to the deploy fee which will be added automatically
broadcastOverride?: boolean
In the case that the dApp would like to be responsible for broadcasting the signed transaction rather than the wallet provider
Success Response
In the case where the "broadcastOverride" input argument is not set, or set to false.
txid: string
The transaction ID of the invocation
nodeURL: string
The node which the transaction was broadcast to. Returned if transaction is broadcast by wallet
In the case where the "broadcastOverride" input argument is set to True.
txid: string
The transaction ID of the invocation
signedTx: string
The serialized signed transaction. Only returned if the broadcastOverride input argument was set to True
Error Response
type: string
The type of error which has occured
description: string
A description of the error which has occured
data: string
Any raw data associated with the error