Download Google Chrome Extension

Step One: Add NeoLine Plugin to Chrome

Open Google Chrome. Search for NeoLine in Chrome Web Store or go to NeoLine Official Website to get the NeoLine Chrome Extension, and add it to Chrome.

Step Two: Create/Import Neo Wallet

1. Create wallet

The steps to create a new wallet are the same as before: set wallet name, enter password, confirm password and backup the private key.

2. Import wallet

There are two methods to import the wallet: Private Key Import and File Import. You can choose the one you'd like. Note that the old password is required for File Import.

Step Three: Back up the Private Key

Click the three-line button below the homepage avatar and enter Account details. Input your wallet password, then you can view and backup your private key for wallet security.

Note: Please copy the private key on a piece of paper in a clear and case-sensitive manner and keep it in a safe place.

Here you can also find View on NeoTube, where you can click and go to NeoTube Block Explorer to check the transaction process details.

Remove account means deleting this wallet, please handle it with caution!

Step Four: Tranfer & Receive

Once you've done the above steps, you have your own Neo wallet. Then you'll see the button for Receive, Transfer and Add asset on the homepage.

  • Click Receive and you will go to the receive page. The payment can be completed by copying your wallet address or scanning the code.

  • Click Transfer and you will go to the transfer page. You need to input all tranfer required information and click Yes to complete the transfer.

  • You can click + on the homepage to add assets. Except for NEO and GAS, other assets with zero balance will not appear in the asset list and need to be added manually.

Note: Any transaction made in the NeoLine plugin wallet can be viewed in the Transaction bar on the homepage.

Step Five: Other Features

  • You can click on the avatar and create multiple wallets or import your other wallets to realize multi-address management.

  • You can also click General Settings to switch languages and currency unit.
