Presents a data message for the user to sign in a structured and readable format and returns the signed response. Introduced by EIP-712. This method requires that the user has granted permission to interact with their account first, so make sure to call eth_requestAccounts first.
1. Address (required)
The address of the requested signing account.
Match pattern:^0x[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$
2. TypedData (required)
typeTypedDataParameters= { types:MessageTypes; primaryType:keyofMessageTypes; domain: { name?:string; version?:string; chainId?:number; verifyingContract?:string; salt?:ArrayBuffer; }; message:Record<string,unknown>; // The message you're proposing the user to sign.};typeMessageTypes= { EIP712Domain:MessageTypeProperty[]; [additionalProperties:string]:MessageTypeProperty[];};typeMessageTypeProperty= { name:string; type:string;};